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About Denovit

Denovit provides simple yet powerful applications that make accounting in and around Exact Online easier. We always view our own applications from the perspective of accountants, programmers, and entrepreneurs, continuously evolving them.
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Installations of our modules

Since launch


Active countries

NL - BE - USA - DE


Apps for Exact Online

4 of them in the Exact Online App Store

The Origin of Denovit

Denovit originated from a need to simplify and streamline various processes with Exact Online. Initially, this was limited to developing internal solutions within an existing company. However, the solutions proved to be so effective that they were offered to companies in the partner network.Denovit was born directly from practical experience, and that is our strength. We understand how automated processes can contribute to streamlined and successful business operations. We combine our knowledge of accounting software with an entrepreneurial spirit. This applies to your business too.We work thoroughly and don't stop after delivering the right solution. We are only satisfied when our clients successfully apply their modules in practice. Well-functioning software is just the beginning; afterward, we are happy to guide you on your journey.
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Those who came before you.

Our modules help numerous businesses daily in automating essential processes. Discover the experiences of our customers here.

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R. Reuvers
Radial Torque Tools
Working with Denovit to establish a link between our ERP system and the new WMS system was an extremely positive experience. Denovit actively thought about optimizations and improvements in the process, which resulted in an extremely efficient system.
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M. van Dijk
De Afvalbak
We tested several HubSpot-Exact connectors, but they didn't work. After discovering Denovit we were initially skeptical, but it soon turned out that they know what they are talking about and have linked everything perfectly!
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F. Boonman
We have positive experiences with Denovit and the Pipedrive connector. The integration has helped streamline our workflow.