
27 juni 2020

Let customers of PipeDrive and Exact Online change data by themselves

PipeDrive en Exact Online zelf klantgegevens laten uitwisselen? Do you use Pipedrive as CRM and Exact Online as an administration package? Then don't waste time manually transferring customer data from Pipedrive to Exact Online!
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PipeDrive en Exact Online zelf klantgegevens laten uitwisselen?

Do you use Pipedrive as CRM and Exact Online as an administration package? Then don't waste time manually transferring customer data from Pipedrive to Exact Online!

With the 'Pipedrive-Exact Online' module from Denovit, all customer data is immediately updated from Pipedrive to Exact Online. So you only have to enter data once. This saves time, for both commercial and administrative employees.

But not only when entering customer data such as company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and contacts of a new customer, this data is taken over. Existing customer data or additions to existing customer data are also taken over.

This makes this module useful for updating Exact Online and keeping it up to date in real time. The module works invisibly in the background, so setting it once is enough.

You can find the PipeDrive-Exact Online module here or directly in the official PipeDrive app store. Like all our modules, you can try these for free for 14 days and then purchase it monthly. That's the flexibility of Denovit!

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