
26 september 2020

Our Pipedrive connector is included in the Exact Online app store

Our PipeDrive - Exact Online is available in the Exact Online app store! With this module from Denovit, all customer data is immediately updated from Pipedrive to Exact Online. So you only have to enter data once.
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Our PipeDrive - Exact Online is available in the Exact Online app store! With this module from Denovit, all customer data is immediately updated from Pipedrive to Exact Online. So you only have to enter data once. This saves time, for both commercial and administrative employees.

So not only when entering new but also existing customer data such as company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and contact persons, this data is immediately copied.

We are therefore also an official app partner of Exact Online! We are now busy getting our other apps in the Exact Online app store as well. More updates about this will follow soon!

A nice news for our southern neighbors is that the app is now also available for Belgian customers who use Exact Online!

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